Monday, January 18, 2010

Tonight's workout:

3 rounds of this:

1 minute rowing machine

1 minute kettlebell swings (i used the 8k baby one)

1 minute jumping pullups (like a chinup, only you jump up and lower yourself slowly - killer)

1 minute shoulder press thrusters (i used 8 k dumbbells)

1 minute squats

1 minute rest

And i should confess (do i have to?) that although breakfast and dinner were both paleo, the middle of the day was a total write off - six of seven littles were sick, and so was i, so we voted to do school on Friday instead and take Monday off. Very sweet. I don't feel much better, but we'll have to get the show on the road tomorrow - i don't think i can handle that much nothing :)...

Anyway, no cookies tomorrow! I'm turning a blind eye to my 3 yo sneaking into the kitchen as i write - i know it means one less butterscotch almond cookie to tempt me...

T downloaded the Robb Wolf podcast for me to listen to, and has an abstract (?!) of the book "Good Calories, Bad Calories" - less about a specific diet, more of studies on nutrition. We'll try to keep to this for now. Sometimes it's just too hard for me :) But i want it to work! Tomorrow's a new day...


  1. I love the concept of "less about a specific diet, more of studies on nutrition". That's how I'm aiming to eat & cook these days, and it's being fairly well-received. :) But yeah, thinking about the nutritional value of what I put in my mouth goes a lot farther than if I call it a 'diet'. :)

  2. I was listening to the Robb Wolf podcast today while i made lunch (yes, salmon patties are *great* with ground almonds instead of ground oatmeal!) - and that was the gist of their whole message, over and over - about not weighing and measuring, but instead being vigilant about the *quality* of what you eat - make every bite count.

    A big point for me was his pointing out that for some women, paleo makes them lacking in thyroid, and they need an iodine supplement - well, i could be freezing all the time bcz it's cold out, but it's close to zero now :) so no more whining... But i will try adding in 150 mcg of iodine and see if that helps me get with the program...
