Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day Three...

I was doing some reading at www.thepaleodiet.com tonight, in his FAQ section...
So confusing!

I've read a lot of things that sounded just as convincing - i.e. that canola is bad for you (i know it's almost all genetically modified, and i have a caution about using it just because of that) - that coconut oil is a miracle oil (Cordain doesn't agree) - and i just wonder about all the anti-grain stuff - as a little girl visiting my grandparent's place on the Prairies, i remember grabbing a handful of grain from an empty train car, and grinding it into gum with my teeth... Surely children have done that forever?

Anyway, it's hard to follow this diet because i don't agree with its primary assertion which is that the world is a zillion billion years old and evolution will teach us all :) - the timeline on my kitchen wall this year starts at the year 4004BC :)... but so far i am being good...

What i ate today:

breakfast - two eggs, with a little salsa on the side, tea with milk and stevia
lunch - a little leftover roast beef, some grapes, some hazelnuts
dinner - delicious fatty shoulder blade steak, roasted carrots and leeks and garlic (yummy!) and a diet coke...
snack - an apple, half a turkey sausage, some hazelnuts and aNOTHER diet coke! I want to break the habit, but.....


  1. I feel like I'm bugging you, but I feel like you are the first person I've read that has similar thouights about this way of eating. I too feel conflicted about the evolution/caveman stuff. (And if Jesus served bread and wine for the last supper, how can breads not be a part of our diet? :) ) But I do think processed carbs and refined sugars are not good!

    Are you still drinking diet pop? I've never been a diet pop person, but I sure am tempted now as I am on day 2 of no sugar.

  2. Hi Sonja :) - very cool to meet someone who feels the same way :)... I'm still drinking diet pop - hugely conflicted, bcz i don't think it's a healthy choice, BUT it's one way to feel like i'm not totally deprived and have something that tastes sweet. It helps! One thing i want to look into is the carbonation machine :) - and i've heard of naturally made carbonated drinks - my mom used to make rootbeer, but it had a TON of sugar, but if i can find those recipes, i'll post them :)

    Not only did Jesus serve bread at the last supper, but it's called "the staff of life" in the Bible! BUT i admit i feel so much better when i'm not eating grains...
