Monday, September 10, 2012

Workout : Tabatas

Awesome workout tonight.

First, Coach T had me do some deadlifts with a 50 lb kettlebell while he finished his heavy lifting.

Then he put on the ultra annoying music mix that signals tabatas.

Ultra annoying?  You thought Coach T was perfect?  Well, yes, he is.  But tabata workouts mean 20 seconds of high intensity, 10 seconds of rest.  Those small intervals of time are a pain in the butt to measure, so there are a lot of tabata workout mixes that have two songs that incongruously butt up against each other - 20 seconds of Black  Sabbath followed by 10 seconds of Vivaldi, for instance.  The Worst.  You can't sing along, even in your head.

Here are some links to tabata workout mixes:
this place sells mixes -
or you can download mixes someone else made
or look on youtube for mixes like this one

Anyway, the great thing about tabatas are that they are a quick, but powerful workout.

We did four rounds, each with four exercises

I did: pushups (20 seconds)
 ten seconds' rest
kettlebell swings with 1 5 lb kettlebell (20 seconds)
ten seconds' rest
squats (bodyweight) (20 seconds)
ten seconds' rest
Jump! (20 seconds)
ten seconds' rest

... times four.

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